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Practice Better x That Clean Life

Virtual Summit

Beyond Nutrition: Building a Better
Client-Centered Practice

That's a wrap on our first-ever Nutrition Summit. It's not too late to watch the replays. Submit the form to watch them at anytime.

In celebration of this year's Nutrition Month, Practice Better and That Clean Life are bringing together industry leaders to
help nutrition professionals attract more clients, create an effective retention strategy, and build a better client-centered practice. 

What you'll learn:

Practical, hands-on learning and business coaching with six industry leaders. ⁠By the end of this summit, you'll have a solid plan in place for client acquisition, engagement, accountability, care, and inclusivity.

We promise you that this will be a truly transformational experience for you and your nutrition business. 
  • Six informative pre-recorded sessions that you can watch at your own pace.
  • Learn the secrets of acquiring, engaging, and caring for clients from industry leaders.
  • Helpful bonus offers from our speakers.
  • Sessions delivered right to your inbox between March 4-8, 2024.

Meet our expert speakers

Client Acquisition


With Charlyn Ooi
Dietitian, Business Coach & Marketing Strategist

Creating a High-Converting Funnel 

Discover how you can effectively set up a marketing funnel so you can make sales on autopilot.

Gain insights into proven strategies for maximizing visibility, generating more leads for your online business, and increasing your conversion rates without spending a cent on paid advertising.

Stephanie Long

With Stephanie Long
Registered Holistic Nutritionist & Nutrition Business Coach

3 Strategies to Get More Word-of-Mouth Referrals

Learn why referrals can be a game-changer in your business and how to position yourself as an authority and expert to receive referrals. 

Understand how to get more referrals from your colleagues and other health practitioners and how to incentivize current or past clients for referrals.

Client Engagement & Accountability

Alix Turoff

With Alix Turoff
Registered Dietitian & Certified Personal Trainer

Creating a Ladder of Services to Keep
Clients Engaged 

Learn how to establish a client journey by offering service tiers. Keep clients engaged beyond the session with food journals, weekly goals, varied communication channels, and personalized nutrition planning.

Uncover how to build long-term client relationships and accountability with alumni programs.

Kaely McDevitt

With Kaely McDevitt
Registered Dietitian & Women's Health Coach
On behalf of Fullscript

Optimizing Client-Centered Care

Discover what client-centered care means, why it’s essential, and why creating comprehensive programs versus one-off sessions is the key to client success. 

Dive into creating personalized interventions using assessment tools and lab testing and making protocol adherence easier with Fullscript.

Client Care & Inclusivity 

Meg Bowman

With Meg Bowman
Certified Nutrition Specialist, Licensed Nutritionist
& Certified Health Education Specialist

Balancing Wellness: Trauma-Informed Strategies in Mental Health Nutrition Coaching

Learn how to provide radically client-centered inclusive care by developing personalized nutrition approaches for mental health.

Increase your awareness of trauma and its impact on client care and outcomes. Explore ways to screen all clients for trauma, including adverse childhood experiences or social determinants of health.

Tristan Chan and Prabhsimran Saini

With Trista Chan & Prabhsimran Saini
Registered Dietitians 

How to Incorporate Your Clients’ Cultural Foods to Support Their Health Goals

Expand what healthy eating looks like by taking a strengths-based approach where you genuinely respect and acknowledge that nutrition can be found in your clients’ cultural foods.

Learn about cultural humility and how to co-create a nutrition care plan with your client.

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