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How To Diversify Your Income Streams (With Ease!)

Thursday, February 9 at 2:00 pm ET | 11:00 am PT

Ready to explore additional income streams but don't know where to start? 

This workshop is designed specifically for practitioners who are ready to learn the secrets to growing their revenue without burning out. 

Hosted by

Dr. Kim Foster

Dr. Kim Foster
MD & Founder, The Wellness Coach Academy

Kim Foster MD & Coach
Britt Headshot Grey Background - may 2022-modified

Brittany Andrejcin
Business Success Coach, Practice Better

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What to expect from this webinar:

  • Learn how to build multiple income streams without trying to create a ton of offers and products.
  • Discover which income streams are best to start with, especially if you have a small audience.
  • Uncover the two key assets you need to start building multiple streams of income.
  • The six different streams of income you can build — starting today.


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